Video Tutorials

What Real PBR can do for you (Italian language + English captions)

This video, narrated in Italian by the developer, shows how to import and set up a 3D scene for fast processing via path tracing, using Real PBR tool. The video demonstrates how to import a FBX file, set the environment lighting, create artificial light sources, and define an accurate camera position and aperture for photorealistic results.

A new introduction of the tool (Italian language)

This is a short early introduction to Real PBR rendering tool, version 0.1. The recording is narrated in Italian by Luca Deriu, the solo developer of the project. The goal is to produce a simple and quick rendering tool to be used free of charge in product and architectural 3D visualizations.

A first preview of the tool (old video)

This marks the debut of Real PBR in action within an interior scene. Here, you can have a brief idea of the different sections of the tool and gain a general understanding of its capabilities.

Old introduction to the tool (old video)

Built upon Unity SRP (Scriptable Render Pipeline), Real PBR is a versatile tool that encapsulates remarkable real-time rendering capabilities within an intuitive user interface. It also offers a suite of features for project management, asset importing, and the handling of materials and lighting.